Monday, March 24, 2014

It's Monday and this morning my husband is still in Texas since flying there last wednesdayfor family   business. 

  I woke to the clock saying 8:00am which means the kids are now officially late for school! The alarms were all turned off for the weekend and we all slept in. Plus I woke  up with a splitting headache, soar body and nauseous tummy. So what did this SuperMom do?  She laid in bed, called and excused the kids from school and went back to sleep.  Soon afterwards the kids did get up, realizing what time it was panicked until I told them they were taking a sick day.  Suddenly I realized, how am I going to take care of these kids when I'm sick?  Just then I got a text from my friend Shelly asking me how I slept last night.  I shared with her I woke up sick.  She told me to take a Luke warm bath with Epsom salt and lavender essential oils and drink a caffeinated drink to open up the capillaries.  
Just then my 11year old son came into my room and said he was making a warm bath with sprinkled Epsom salt and wanted to use my iPad to find some soothing music for me.  Talk about one of those proud mommy moments.  Next my 13 year old daughter made toast for my breakfast and brought it to me.  It's nice when mommy moments like this show you that your children have been learning and paying attention.   
Service in the family is so valuable, I know I learned how to care for ill family members by watching my own mother's example.  Many a nights she would sacrifice her sleep in order to comfort me through her kind acts of service.  
Do you still like to be cared for when your sick or are you a more independent type?


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