Thursday, October 3, 2013

I am so fortunate to have been surrounded by postive powerful influential SuperMoms
I am honored to introduce to you a SuperMom in my life.
My amazing Mother-In-Law Shirley Goodman.   What I love and admire aboutShirley is her successful awareness of her influence for good in this life. And her desire to lift the lives of those around her.  Her ability to unconditionally show love and compassion. Optimistically taking on life’s challenges; And live to the best of her ability fully embracing every moment. 

Shirley is a woman of value, a support to her husband and a SuperMom to her 7 children. 
She taught them to work, take pride in their gifts and make a positive difference in the lives of those around them. She married a wonderful man she met at BYU they made their home in Virginia and raised 7 kids. 

Until one tragic day when she found her 4-year-old daughter Lisa, who had been crushed by some farm equipment. I cannot imagine the heartache they went through and yet, she stayed  strong and dedicated to her family.Then 10 years later when she received the call that her14-year-old son was killed in a school accident.  Some kids had found a grenade in the fields on their way to school.  No one was killed butScott who was not even near the blast. 

Burying a child is hard enough and now to bury two?  How do you do that?  She was again dedicated to loving and supporting her family.  Teaching them and others that everything happens for a reason and we must make our choice as to how we will deal with the circumstances.   I have no doubt that her belief in Heavenly Father and her trust in his plan saved her soul. She knew there was a greater plan then she could see.  She taught her children to do good, and look for ways to serve one another. 

I had the wonder gift of having her influence in my life for the 6 short years I knew her.  In 2009 she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and fought in for 3 years. We tried chemo therapy for a while and after seeing that it was killing her body and not the cancer she looked into a natural clinic that taught her to nourish the body through nutrition.  She lost 68 lbs, she gained her hair and eye sight back and had shrunk the cancer to the size of a pea that lie just under the surface of her skin.  Itwas a celebration and I remember her optimistism and strong willed.  She even continued cooking meals for everyone and yet she would have non of it.  Her diet consisted of no cooked vegetables, no meats and no sugars or carbohydrates. 

Well, she grew tired of only eating these restrictions and allowed herself to enjoy some good old chocolate.  Soon after the cancer took over her kidneys with a vengeance, being given 3 weeks to live….She lived 7weeks and passed only after she was able to greet every one of her family members.  A SuperMom right to the very last minute.  I miss her dearly and I call on her memories often for guidance and power.  She proved her self to be SuperMom no matter what tests came her way.  I desire to live the kind of life values in my own children’s lives.  And I know with every experience inlife a have a choice.  To either bebitter or better.  I choose thelatter.

Article By: Stephanie Goodman SuperMom of 3 and 2 bonus


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