Thursday, April 24, 2014


1 Lbs Small Red Beans

Water (enough to cover and soak overnight)

1 Tsp Salt

1 Tbsp. Goya Adobo Seasoning

1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

About 2 quarts water for boiling

About 1/3 cup oil

Soak beans in cold water overnight. Rinse.
Quick cooking method:  In a pressure cooker, add beans, salt, Goya Adobo, Worcestershire sauce and about 2 quarts of water.  Pressure cook for about 25 minutes.  Turn off heat and let it cool down slowly.
Slow cooking method:  Add ingredients in a large pot. Boil over high heat for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until beans are soft.

When beans are at room temperature, put it in a blender with enough of the water it cooked in so it blends smoothly

Place mixture in a skillet with enough oil covering the bottom. Add more seasoning if desired.
Fry while stirring frequently for about 10 minutes or until desired thickness is reached.  It will thicken further as it cools down.
Turn off heat and serve


  1. Refried Beans are so great for Tostadas and as side compliment to any dish, Thank You for this recipe!!
